San Antonio needs little reason to celebrate or have a party. We have a giant New Year's Eve party, Fiesta in April with at least four parades, and three Independence Days.
Of course July 4th is one. The other two may surprise non-Texas readers. One is Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) and the other is Diez y sies day (September 16). Cinco de mayo is the celebration of Mexico's independence from France in 1862 and Dies y sies is the celebration of the delcaration of independence from Spain in 1810.
My wife and I went to El Mercado in downtown San Antonio on May 5 fully aware of the holiday and celebration in San Antonio. El Mercado was packed and almost impossible to walk. So we enjoyed a lunch at a side walk cafe in the market area. It was a wonderful opportunity to photograph a number of interesting faces.
Lunch was great and the photos are nice too.
Man, a man and his beard fetish!!