Sunday, December 2, 2012


The previous two posts, Old People Graph from NPR, and Imagine (I in the alphabet soup series) were written and scheduled ahead of their post dates to automatically post during my vacation.  I will post my vacation thoughts soon.  But first I must greet my dog, help my wife with a pile of laundry, dig through a pile of mail at home, emails from both home and work and stare at the empty refrigerator.
My next full blog post will hopefully have been drafted during my vacation, the old fashioned way.  On paper, in my journal.  I don't plan to take my laptop computer with me.  The only electronic gadgets I'll have with me is my Nook Tablet and digital cameras.
A vacation is nothing to do and all day to do it.  The hardest part of a vacation is returning to reality.  I hope the country and world have not gone off the fiscal cliff or to war this past week.
This post was also written before my vacation. 


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